
Facebook and Website marketing

I assist businesses in Marloth Park or nearby Marloth Park doing business in Marloth Park that is property related to market their services in Marloth Park. This is a niche service I offer because of my love for Marloth Park and my future dream of semi-retiring in Marloth Park as a Property Practioner or Estate Agent. Don't know what it will be called by then.

I do this by:

Developing the niche property-related website and being active on groups related to Marloth Park on Facebook. See the example below:

Screenshot above: someone asking for a log cabin builder in Marloth Park and me replying by posting a link to the building contractors operating in Marloth Park, who advertises with me.

The website is also found during Google searches. See the example screenshot below:

As time goes along and the website domain name ages, as I add more listings, blogs focused on Marloth Park the website will increase it's page rank. Hopefully, I get some quality backlinks to the website.

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